We are extremely proud of the high standards and expectations at St John Fisher Catholic College. We expect that all learners adhere to our uniform policy at all times, dressing with pride as members of our school community.

Parents/carers who seek admission for their child to St John Fisher Catholic College do so in the understanding and acceptance of all Multi-Academy and school policies, including the policy on school uniform. Parents/carers have a duty to wholly support these policies, as do all staff.

The Local Governing Board, whose responsibility it is to set a uniform policy, believe the wearing of the school’s uniform contributes to a strong and positive sense of community and purpose for all. Any learner who wears our uniform represents us and gives an impression of our school to members of the public.

Responsibility for the implementation of the policy is that of the Headteacher, who in turn may delegate any day-to-day issues to other members of staff.

The right of the Local Governing Board to set and the right of the Headteacher to implement a uniform policy in accordance with the values and ethos of a school has been consistently supported by the courts.

The Local Governing Board of St John Fisher Catholic College seek to promote the dignity and respect due to all people as individuals created in the image and likeness of God in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church. They are also committed to the promotion of social cohesion and believe that the school’s uniform contributes to a strong and positive sense of community.

The Local Governing Board respects the beliefs of other religious groups. Courts have consistently ruled that the right to a belief does not constitute a right to display. Where parents/carers of other faiths seek admission to St John Fisher Catholic College and wish their child to wear a particular item, this must be discussed and agreed with the Headteacher in advance. Permission may be granted provided that:

  • The size, colour and style are acceptable to the school and consistent with the school’s uniform;
  • The learner takes part in all curriculum and whole school activities;
  • The wearing of the item does not cause the learner to either be isolated from peers or to have an unusually high public profile thus creating a counter identity;
  • Permission will not be granted on safety grounds for heads to be fully covered or any part of a face hidden.

It is important that all members of our school are treated fairly. It is unfair if some learners keep to our uniform policy and others don’t.

If learners breach any one part of our strict uniform policy then they will either be asked to amend their uniform to fit in with our policy or given some temporary uniform.

Refusal to wear correct uniform will result in loss of social time or an alternative sanction. We will do this to ensure that all our learners take pride in their appearance and to make sure that our learners are treated fairly.

Our bespoke uniform items are available from Smart Uniform and Clive Mark School Wear.

Uniform – All learners from Year 7-Year 11

  • Black blazer with the school badge to be worn at all times. (School badge can be purchased separately from our suppliers.)
  • A white shirt with a collar and top button (not a blouse). This may be long or short-sleeved, according to preference and/or weather conditions. If any item is to be worn for warmth under the shirt, it must be white in colour. The shirt must not be of a ‘fitted’ type which cannot be tucked into skirt/trousers.
  • St John Fisher tie.
  • Optional ‘V’ necked jumper – plain grey or black with no motif or visible branding.
  • Mid grey trousers, mid grey tailored shorts or a grey, tartan pleat skirt of an appropriate length and worn correctly.
  • Black or grey socks or tights.
  • Sensible black shoes which can be polished. (No boots, trainers, canvas or suede shoes, no mesh, material or coloured trim or soles.) Shoes must be of a polished leather appearance and must not have a clear branding e.g. Nike, Adidas, Vans. Shoes should be sturdy and appropriate for all weathers. Heels must not exceed 1 inch and should not be narrow. Laces must be black.

  • Hijab/headscarves/turbans (plain black and only to be worn within guidance of religious practice).

P.E. Kit

New PE kit has been introduced for September 2023. This will be compulsory for Y7 and will replace kit as needed in other year groups. The new brand is Surridge and will be stocked at our suppliers.

  • Navy and yellow St John Fisher Games shirt or plain navy t-shirt.
  • Navy and yellow St John Fisher sports shorts/ skort or plain navy shorts/skort.
  • Navy and yellow St John Fisher Quarter Zip top or plain navy (non-branded) quarter zip top.
  • Navy St John Fisher leggings/ Navy St John Fisher track pants or navy blue (non-branded) tracksuit trousers. (Leggings other that SJF leggings are not permitted.)
  • Appropriate sports trainers

NB Football boots, shin pads and a gum shield may be required for certain activities.


Hairstyles should be acceptable for everyday school wear. The following are general guidelines as to what is suitable:

  • Excessively long hair should be tied back, away from the face. Any type of ‘cult’ or extreme hairstyle/ cut is also unsuitable for school. Hair colour must be of natural colour i.e. blonde / brown / black / auburn.
  • Excessive amounts of product (gel, hairspray, etc) are not allowed. Neither are hair ornaments such as large decorative clips or headbands with similar adornments.

Learners are not permitted to wear the following on the school grounds:

  • With the exception of one small stud in each ear-lobe, no facial or body piercings, including tongue bars, ear cartilage piercings and nose piercings are to be worn.
  • No badges are permitted on the lapels of blazers with the exception of school badges e.g. prefect, peer mentor
  • With the exception of subtle make-up for learners in year 9 and above, make-up, jewellery, nail varnish, false nails and false eyelashes are not permitted.
  • Hoodies are not permitted on the school grounds and must not be worn.
  • Hats or Caps must not be worn anywhere in the school building. Any caps worn to protect from the sun must be non-branded.

This is not an exhaustive list of what is unacceptable at St John Fisher Catholic College. Decisions with reference to uniform will be at the Headteacher’s discretion.

Trinity Sixth Form Dress Code

We do not have a uniform for sixth form. However, we do expect our sixth form learners to attend in appropriate clothing. The wearing of a distinctive style of dress to a high standard helps to set a good example to our younger learners which is essential in a school setting.

Learners can choose their own style with the following taken into consideration:

  • No crop tops
  • No inappropriate slogans/ logos/ wording.
  • No football shirts
  • Please make sure that shorts and skirts are an appropriate length.